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Nick Hithersay

After years working at a desk I now devote most of my time working out and about or from my tiny studio in Church Crookham. I can lose myself for hours at a time getting to grips with the latest artistic challenge whether it be for my own enjoyment, a commissioned piece or just practicing and learning. Every painting I do teaches me something.

I try to represent interesting things found in the ordinary landscape and objects that surround us in our everyday lives, as well as familiar and unfamiliar faces.

I love a blank canvas and working out how to create an illusion of what’s in front of me; I sometimes love the finished result; I enjoy experimenting and learning from others through connections with a community of like-minded artists. 

There have been dalliances with various media but there’s nothing quite like a friendly fight with oil paint. Pushing it around the surface, coaxing it to behave the way I want and getting the best I can from its creamy qualities and richness of colour. A single painting session can be joyful, stressful, frustrating and rewarding all at the same time.